I Heart Robyn Skodzinsky
This post is long overdue - and as some have pointed out any post is long overdue. But recently a very dear friend lost her mother and posting about Paris Hilton's recent lesbian sex video seemed shallow at such a time. So instead of such drivel I bring you, in no particular order:
10 Reasons I Love Robyn!
1. She is of Hungarian descent and her name has a Z in it.
2. She makes watching the Golden Girls feel cool.
3. She always knows where to find the best deal in town (and I have the 3$ shoes to prove it!).
4. Three words - Wrestling Naughty Nun
5. She usually understands what I am talking about when I say something strange and inappropriate.
6. She encourages my bad habits, candy & gossip....everyone needs a friend like that.
7. You can count on her for anything - and I mean anything, if you thought something was impossible she will find a way. (She is also my role model for 'getting things done!'; as I am quite the procrastinator and could never belong to an organization that had such a motto, but maybe to one that said "getting things done later!")
8. She introduced me to a classic song, the title of which includes the words "Little Grass Shack".
9. She does cool/weird things people should do but don't for some reason - like learn to play the Ukulele and the Accordion.
10. She has actually contributed to peace in the middle east by working here, which is more than the rest of us lazy bitches have done!