
Super Sunday

The ladies and I hit the town last night, goin out around 10:30 - which some people falsely believe is bedtime, but untrue! All the good things happen after that hour. The newish place on 19th, the Science Club , was neat looking but the drinks coulda used some improvements. But, as I said, they are newish and possibly have yet to hit their stride. Then it was off to Cafe Citron for some salsa dancing, always a feat at that establishment due to the crowd. It was a very good time...but I am not allowed to say how good as my compatriots and I swore years ago - what happens at Cafe Citron stays at Cafe Citron. Suffice to say if you are looking to drink, dance, and meet exotic men it is the place to go. A lovely Moroccan man offered me Arabic lessons. And I accomplished all this and still managed to make it to bed by 4am.

But one doesn't need to go dancing in (on) bars to have a good time in DC. Just this Thursday past I attended a play that my companion for the evening called 'experimental theater.' That right there made me skeptical. When we arrived I figured out it was a solo play - meaning there was only one actor- and there were no props....so it was just gonna be this chick up on stage for a couple hours. I was again skeptical. The actress turned out to be the writer as well. She played approximately six individuals throughout the evening to tell the story of a low-income housing project in DC that was torn down, forcing the residents out of their homes. It actually turned out to be very interesting and I felt oh so socially responsible for attending such a thing (although as it was not my choice, my companion must take the credit). And now I am no longer skeptical about the play - I am jealous. The actress is my exact same age and she has already written and starred in a play to promote social justice. I do nothing on a regular basis to promote social justice. Maybe I should start the Social Justice League and fight social injustice whilst wearing a cape. Or better yet, maybe Tom and Serj will let me join the Axis of Justice!


At 9:08 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

you know miss kate, bedtime at 10:30 lead one into many interesting and fun experiences. And I state this in a non-creepy way. Lots of fun things can happen in bed at 10:30.
It's just a science fact (like 'merika blowin' up the moon! yee-haw!) that I think you temporarily overlooked.

At 9:48 AM , Blogger K8 said...

I heartily accede your point. For many people a 10:30 bedtime is the start of tons o'fun. It is the people that go to sleep at 10:30 that are missing out, on many things as you accurately pointed out!


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