
I Don't Heart Valentine's Day!

Okay, so maybe I do heart Valentines...sometimes. Other times I think it is pretty dumb. I like telling people I love that I love them, but I should do that more often than one day a year. And the supposed exclusivity of the holiday toward romantic love is just silly. I don't romantically love anybody at this point in time. In fact I may even take my sister's advice and quit dating all together (which she doesn't mean in a fatalistic way). Unfortunately I can't take that advice until tomorrow - at which time I will embrace it fully - because I have a "date" tonight that I am not too keen on with a Gentleman Who Scores a 2 On the Interest Scale (GWS2OIS). It was an accident that I even have this date! The conversation yesterday went a bit like this:

GWS2OIS: What are you doing next weekend?
K8: A lot actually. I am pretty busy with school projects and what not. (Which could be true.)
GWS2OIS: How about Thursday night?
K8: Oh, I have a group meeting for class that night. (True by the way.)
GWS2OIS: How about Wednesday?
K8: Yeah, a friend of mine is coming in to town from NYC and I am having dinner with him.
(Also coulda been true, but we rescheduled for Friday.)
GWS2OIS: What about dinner tomorrow?
K8: Gee...tomorrow? (Brainfreeze!)
GWS2OIS: Yeah, dinner tomorrow could be fun.
K8: I may have a homework assignment to do. (Realizing I am sounding lame.) But maybe as long as it isn't a late night dinner might be okay.
-Editor's Note- At this point it did not enter into my head at ALL that the night in question was Valentine's Day and he did not make mention of it.
GWS2OIS: Great, I will call you tomorrow to nail down a time.
K8: .....Um.....okay. Why not.

Initially I though, hey some free food...worse things could happen. And then, that evening, my darling friend KD so helpfully pointed out that it was Valentine's tomorrow and laughed at me when I cursed what I had done. Curses!


At 12:29 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fox5 conveyed tonight that DC is the worst city in the country (and therefore the world) for singles and dating. This was called a major survey--which could have meant they sent the intern outside the Fox building to ask five people. This was followed by a story saying that more people in DC were cheating on their partners, and how to buy equipment to spy on said partner. So apparently DC is good for dating if you're already married and can't speak to you're spouse wihtout a hidden video camera.
According to the survey, Atlanta is the best city for singles and dating, so I'm buying my one way bus ticket first thing tomorrow.

At 9:23 AM , Blogger K8 said...

Gotta love that hot-lanta! I have never been but would like to take the opportunity to join your caravan of single ladies. And damn that fox 5...but I guess it is good to know DC is a good city if you prefer married men.

At 10:50 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can't post this story without a follow up story about how was dinner? Inquiring minds need to know!


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