
Saddest Story Ever

I just posted, so I ain't writin' a lot again. But I just wanted to share this, the saddest story ever. Such is unrequited love...but I am just assuming that. Maybe the giant plastic swan returns his affection. To go along with my sadness, I spent the evening watching an interpretive dance troupe reenact Alice In Wonderland & Through the Looking Glass. They spent two hours undulating and screaming on stage wearing rags. At one point they threw a stuffed pig at me. So I got to hold that for the rest of the show. Shoulda thrown it back at their artsy asses. I spent two hours laughing inappropriately at their serious screams and emotive undulations. Hilarious....so maybe not so sad after all. Except for the parents of those dancers. "My son dresses up in rags and tights, screams, and cracks eggs on his head for a living." I rest my case.


Triumph! & Travesty.

I was fortunate enough to experience a super fun event and a travesty, all within two days. Thursday night Kirsten and I attended the PostSecret / FOUND show, based on these two books! It rocked.

To be fair, PostSecret tends to make me depressed. Some of the secrets are so heartbreaking and people seem to keep them at the detriment of themselves. I honestly don't know why they won't tell someone, not when it is eating them up inside! Not everything needs to be told, but some things should be! The story of the person who, on their deathbed, discloses an extramarital affair to their partner...that is not what I am talking about. To me that is just hurtful and selfish. If you feel the need to cleanse your conscious in such a way, see a priest! But so many of the secrets in the PostSecret book are sad. :-( TBone got me the PostSecret book for Christmas, it was a lovely surprise all wrapped and pretty sitting in my house when I came home. After reading it though, I was so sad that I gave it back to him. Of course not all the secrets are sad, some are funny and some are ridiculous (just not as many).

The FOUND book, I have to say I have never read. BUT! I have been to their website and read what they posted there. And I have heard the wonderfully hilarious Davy Rothbart on NPR's This American Life, telling stories about himself, his family, Mr. Rogers, and reading from his FOUND material. Of course, in the course of listening to Davy I developed a fun fan crush on him (as he is super cool). So I was geeked to go see him in person. He was just as lovely in person as he is on the radio and as I imagined him to be (although possibly slightly shorter, but he is so funny and smart I don't even care). He was wearing the same hat as he is in the picture I stole off the internet. The bonus to the evening was that Davy brought his equally (possibly more, who's to say) cute brother Peter...also pictured! Petey played guitar and sang. The best song was "The Booty Don't Stop" and was compelled to buy Peter's cd so that I could hear it whenever I wanted. I think the fact that these two gentleman are from Ann Arbor (a place ever so close to my heart, as many of you know). So now I have a new favorite song and two crushes! (But Davy is still my favorite). So my vast readership knows, this is just the beginning of the tour and you could all find a show to go to in many cities! They are going everywhere. I highly recommend them. That event was the triumph.

Now for the travesty. I saw X-Men: The Last Stand last night. Boo I say, boo! My memories of the comics aren't perfect, I grant, especially since they belonged to my brother (so I defer to Puddles! in this matter). But that movie did not appear to stick to the facts of the books! Phoenix had some trouble sure, no one dies and is reborn without some psychological sequela, but she was never as bad as she was in the movie! Boo! I am likely upset cause she was one of my favorites. And I am not sure that Rogue woulda done what she did in the movie (at least I don't think). Action was fine, effects were good...but characters were severely lacking and it wasn't true to the X-Men legacy. I will admit that I had several inappropriate thoughts about Wolverine though. Damn. (Clarification: not Hugh Jackman, but Wolverine.) And I did enjoy the Angel fellow - he put on a nice six-pack, far from his days as Claire's bisexual cheating boyfriend on Six Feet Under.


Alphabetical: The Best of the -eticals

Here is a fun filler blog that I stole from Puddles! This should keep those who feel it is my job to entertain them entertained. ;-) A better entry will come this weekend, in which I will discuss the event I am attending Thursday (where I plan to meet my future husband Davy, who runs this wonderfully creative site.)

Accent: Absolutely not! I have what news anchors call 'region free diction.' Or at least that is what I think. Others disagree but they are just haters that are jealous. I can imitate accents pretty well though, much to the dismay of others. It irks my mother when I read directions aloud in my BBC English, but it sounds smarter than my regular voice. It irks my stepmother when I pretend to be from Mynn-ah-sow-da, but it is fun!

Booze: Absolutely! I like my drinks. Right now it is a dirty dirty vodka martini.

Chore I Hate: All of them? Elves or fairies or whatever should come into my house while I sleep and night and do my dishes, launder my clothes, clean the apartment, and spirit away any trash, dust, or dirt.

Dogs/Cats: Dogs divided by Cats? I don't know what that equals. I like both, want both, have cats.

Essential Electronics: Well none of it is essential but I'd be up a creek without my laptop.

Favorite Perfume/Cologne: I am partial to Ralph Lauren Blue for me and enjoy Ralph Lauren Black for the men folk. (*Freaky side note: I was reading a magazine in bed and came across a RL Black fold-out and liked it so much that I rubbed it on my pillow so my sheets smelled delightfully manly.)

Gold/Silver: For wearing? I tend to wear silver. I am not a big gold chains gal.

Hometown: Fairfax, Virginia. God bless NoVa.

Insomnia: I don't have time for insomnia. Sleep is such a luxury; when my head hits the pillow I am out.

Job Title: Clinical Psychology Graduate Student/ Court Documentation Specialist/ Utilization Review Appeals Coordinator

Kids: I hated that movie. :-( Ew. But if you mean children, got none. May have some one day. If you mean goats, may have some one day. Who knows!

Living Arrangements: satisfactorily arranged. But not properly Feng-Shu'ed as of yet. That is my next project for when I have free time. I like my lovely 1-bedroom in Arlington, VA.

Most Admired Trait: Admired by others? Or one that I admire? Recently an unnamed source said I was the most independent person they know. I believe it was communicated in the spirit of admiration. I admire people who are high-energy and non-procrastinating, as I am not those things.

Number of Sexual Partners: Not enough to be considered a whore, I've been told.

Overnight Hospital Stays: Does it count that I have worked in hospitals and have done double shifts that have taken me overnight? Even those I can count on one hand. Overnight hospital stays I wasn't getting paid for? None.

Phobia: Water that is too dark to see anything in from all directions. I can handle it for a little while, but after that the panic will set in. Jaws could be in the darkness you know.

Quote: I like so many! So I am listing three good ones.
"It is not inertia alone that is responsible for human relationships repeating themselves from case to case, indescribably monotonous and unrenewed. It is shyness before any sort of new and unforseeable experience with which one does not think oneself able to cope, but only someone who is ready for everything, who excludes nothing, not even the most enigmatical, will live the relation to another as something alive." ~Ranier Maria Rilke
"Consistency is contrary to nature, contrary to life. The only completely consistent people are the dead." ~Aldous Huxley
"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." ~ Emerson

Religion: Is funny. I am Catholic, but loosely so.

Siblings: The older brother (Puddles!) and the younger sister. Both aspire to careers in law, so I am the odd man out that way. :-( But at least I get plenty of free legal advice.

Time I usually wake up: Some days 6 am and other days 8 am, depending on whether I have class that day. Weekends, around 10 am.

Unusual Talent: I have the unusual talent of having no unusual talent. I also have super spying talents...you didn't see me following you did you? I thought not.

Vegetable I refuse to eat: Can't think of a single one. I like vegetables. I'd prefer not to eat cooked carrots...they are all mushy. But that is a critique of culinary style, not the vegetable itself.

Worst Habit: Sarcastic bitchiness? But sometimes that works for me. So maybe procrastination.

X-Rays: I used to know how to take those! And I got to press the button on multiple occasions. But of me? While I worked there I got a lovely one of my foot (nothing broken). I also once swallowed the pull tab to a soda can (and, yes, I was old enough to know better), so I got a pretty picture of my torso to make sure I hadn't aspirated it (breathed it into my lungs). I didn't.

Yummy Foods I Make: All the foods I make are good. I am still working on meat...I cook non-meat things better still. Though I do think my roast chicken is not bad.

Zodiac Sign: Cancer - not the dying kind. The moody, crabby kind.


The Littlest Bit of Breaks

I am currently on the smallest of all school breaks! My last final was due in this past Monday and classes start up again this coming Monday. Boo! Boo I say! But I do get July & August off so that is somethin'. And what have I done/will I do for my brief reprise? So far I have done...Nothing! Yay for nothing! I hung out with friends Monday after work and did laundry. Today I blew of a fella who annoys me (go me!) so I could sit on my ass and watch Scrubs. [I have to pause to say how thrilled! I was that Scrubs did a parody of the "I learned it from watching you Dad, okay!" anti-drug commercial. That quote lives in a special place in my heart, maybe because I would be sitting in my room or living room doing something and my lovely Robyn would walk into the room and randomly shout it at me. Ah, the good old days.]

This weekend I am off to Blacksburg to graduate! Of course my wonderful, obsessive sister sent me quite the itinerary for the weekend. In addition to the regular itinerary stuff most people say...like dates and time of specific events, this one included notes on the weather, suggestions on clothing items, and recommendations of what we should eat 'off the clock'. So sweet. ;-)

Meanwhile, I am gonna sit on my ass and play the BEST game ever that Robyn sent me, like two years ago. Depsite my practice I still only get an 88%. Let's see if you punks can do better!

(**UPDATE** As soon as I posted this I went back to the super fun game and got a 98% suckas!)