Triumph! & Travesty.
I was fortunate enough to experience a super fun event and a travesty, all within two days. Thursday night Kirsten and I attended the PostSecret / FOUND show, based on these two books! It rocked.
To be fair, PostSecret tends to make me depressed. Some of the secrets are so heartbreaking and people seem to keep them at the detriment of themselves. I honestly don't know why they won't tell someone, not when it is eating them up inside! Not everything needs to be told, but some things should be! The story of the person who, on their deathbed, discloses an extramarital affair to their partner...that is not what I am talking about. To me that is just hurtful and selfish. If you feel the need to cleanse your conscious in such a way, see a priest! But so many of the secrets in the PostSecret book are sad. :-( TBone got me the PostSecret book for Christmas, it was a lovely surprise all wrapped and pretty sitting in my house when I came home. After reading it though, I was so sad that I gave it back to him. Of course not all the secrets are sad, some are funny and some are ridiculous (just not as many).
The FOUND book, I have to say I have never read. BUT! I have been to their website and read what they posted there. And I have heard the wonderfully hilarious Davy Rothbart on NPR's This American Life, telling stories about himself, his family, Mr. Rogers, and reading from his FOUND material. Of course, in the course of listening to Davy I developed a fun fan crush on him (as he is super cool). So I was geeked to go see him in person. He was just as lovely in person as he is on the radio and as I imagined him to be (although possibly slightly shorter, but he is so funny and smart I don't even care). He was wearing the same hat as he is in the picture I stole off the internet. The bonus to the evening was that Davy brought his equally (possibly more, who's to say) cute brother Peter...also pictured! Petey played guitar and sang. The best song was "The Booty Don't Stop" and was compelled to buy Peter's cd so that I could hear it whenever I wanted. I think the fact that these two gentleman are from Ann Arbor (a place ever so close to my heart, as many of you know). So now I have a new favorite song and two crushes! (But Davy is still my favorite). So my vast readership knows, this is just the beginning of the tour and you could all find a show to go to in many cities! They are going everywhere. I highly recommend them. That event was the triumph.
Now for the travesty. I saw X-Men: The Last Stand last night. Boo I say, boo! My memories of the comics aren't perfect, I grant, especially since they belonged to my brother (so I defer to Puddles! in this matter). But that movie did not appear to stick to the facts of the books! Phoenix had some trouble sure, no one dies and is reborn without some psychological sequela, but she was never as bad as she was in the movie! Boo! I am likely upset cause she was one of my favorites. And I am not sure that Rogue woulda done what she did in the movie (at least I don't think). Action was fine, effects were good...but characters were severely lacking and it wasn't true to the X-Men legacy. I will admit that I had several inappropriate thoughts about Wolverine though. Damn. (Clarification: not Hugh Jackman, but Wolverine.) And I did enjoy the Angel fellow - he put on a nice six-pack, far from his days as Claire's bisexual cheating boyfriend on Six Feet Under.
Just listened to the rest of the American Life shows with Davy. Sweet. I thought your travesty was going to be about the host/"comedian" of the Found/Post Secret show.
Phoenix was pretty evil at quite a few points in the comic books. I haven't seen it yet, so I'm sure there are plenty of travesties, but she did destroy an entire planet of people for fun once. That at least sounds evil, to me.
I know how you feel about X Men inaccuracies. I just saw Davinci Code last night; I was totally pissed off that it had some stuff that wasn't in the bible. Dan Brown, Ron Howard, and Tom Hanks are all going to burn. So is Audrey Tattou because she gives me impure thoughts. And I had an erotic dream where I saw her dancing with goat-leggged men and other unnatural beasts.
As for Arch Angel, I don't think you have a chance...I'm pretty sure he is gay.
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