Luck O' the Irish

10 Aspects of a Successful
St. Patrick's Day Evening
1. I was felt up by an actual Irishman.
2. I did not consume any green liquids, cause that is just dumb.
3. I hugged a pint of Guinness as big as myself!
4. I shouted out lyrics to the only Irish songs I know along with everyone else in the joint.
5. I was not exposed to vomit in any way, my own or anyone else's. Ew.
6. I received bar schwag with that says Guinness and Harp on it. (Birthday presents for Daddy!)
7. While I actually paid for one beer I drank, I drank at least six others that were purchased on my behalf. (Way to be Herbie, Coco the Monkey, Jeremy, and whoeverelse! Nice guys.)
8. The debate I engaged in with the Officer was brief and did not result in 'action' on either of our parts. We kept the peace with each other. I am proud of us Officer Morrison, you killjoy you.
9. I was able to walk home from the party in only five minutes on the arms of friends.
And my new St. Patrick's Day tradition......
10. I woke up in a t-shirt that said Jameson Whiskey on it and I am not quite sure where that came from.
OK.. is this something a father wants to hear. His eldest daughter waking up in a T-shirt that she knows not HOW she got into it ? T..M..I..
A mother seconds the father's comment. We love that you are so open with your life, and yet, sometimes we do not need to know. Makes us have bad dreams about jail.
Love you! Mumma
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