Bring on da Thunda!

I love summer thunder storms! Love them! It has been astormin' for days and days. Sure, the sidewalks are flooded, the metro has been rendered largely impotent, and my cats are hiding under my bed...but I sure do love these storms!
Just about half an hour ago the thunder was so loud - SO LOUD - it sounded like four mack trucks going sixty miles per hour just collided on the street outside my house. It rocked. I actually stood up out of my there is anything I could do about thunder and lightning. But still, I stood up all wide eyed like a dope. Luckily my cell phone rang within seconds so I felt like my jumping out of my seat had purpose. My lovely neighbor had called to make sure I was not struck by lightning. It is a little service we provide for each other, nice isn't it?
Ooooh, the lights just flickered. Maybe I am in for a romantic night of candlelight by myself. ;-) Most likely I am in for a night of take-home final fun! Fun! There is another rumble rumble!