
What I Enjoy

Here are some things I have enjoyed in the past week!

Sunday past:
* Getting home at 4am. We sure did do it up right for Alice's birthday...first Cafe Citron then Cloud. Then our tired asses metro'ed home. We had a lovely time. We danced on tables at Citron and we saw some fisticuffs at Cloud. Kids today, so quick to fight over silliness!
* Lunch & Marie Antoinette with mumma. I enjoyed the movie quite a bit. The costumes were fabulous and the characters complex. It was also informative, as I did not know the royal couple didn't consummate the marriage for years. Not that I blame them...who could mate with everyone watching like that!
* Cleaning my monstrously messy house. Twas getting ridiculous.

Monday past:
* A leisurely work day with no emergencies. Plus I found out I could disregard that subpoena!
* Realizing in therapy that I never ask for Christmas presents that aren't in some way practical. How lame of me...well that is what I said, not my therapist (she would never say such a thing!).

Tuesday past:
* Voting! I am a productive citizen. I was told on my first trip to the polling place that it would take at least an hour and a half so I left that joint! I went back around 3 pm and there was no line. I hate waiting, but I love performing my civic duty.
* Not messing up my first Clinic Intake for an adolescent...and boy were there some serious impediments.

Wednesday past:
* The election outcome - way to take back the House peeps! Of course, I am sure it is all due to me. I volunteered at the MoveOn D.C. office calling people and getting them to help and to vote. So yes, you may all thank me now.
* Talking (tricking?) my supervisor into canceling therapy supervision on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. Yay for holidays!

Thursday past:
* Holding a 5 week old crying baby and making her fall asleep! At least someone thinks I'm therapeutic. ;-)
* Making a real dinner instead of eating a sandwich or some soup. Twas roasted lemon chicken, roasted garlic potatoes, sauteed brussel sprouts, and steamed peas in case anyone was wondering.
* Watching (most of) Shaun of the Dead with Matty. Sorry again sailor.
:-( My Tivo cut the last fifteen minutes off the movie. I think Tivo was jealous of my new relationship.

Friday past:
* Matty takin' me into the countryside...yay for the suburbs! We even ate at Olive Garden, the five-star Italian spot of the suburbs. (And my sister is gonna be jealous when she reads this, as that is her favorite spot.)
* Learning that the Wizard of Oz was on TBS all weekend. I heart Judy...as do the gay men...and apparently Matt's mom. (She told me she saw Judy live, before she was too bloated from drugs to sing.)

Saturday past (yesterday!):
* Sleeping In! 'Nuff said.
* Watching too many episodes of Futurama and doing too little school work!

Sunday now:
* Baking a lovely loaf of bread...a maple buttermilk white bread.
* Watching my Tivo'ed Wizard of Oz as I work on patient forms for the school Clinic.
* Surfing the internet for information on what to do in Puerto Rico....cause I am going there for the first week of 2007 and am super geeked.
* Spending half an hour on the phone with my Daddy and explaining that I am leaving the continental US with a sailor...not just a sailor, but a republican sailor. Apparently opposites do attract.


At 10:10 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who let you hold their baby, yo? And I must hear more about the republican sailor.

At 1:50 AM , Blogger Emily said...

YOU ATE AT OLIVE GARDEN?! So. Good. Oh, and I watched The Wizard of Oz too :) We are so similar.

P.S. yeah you always asked for things like cable in your room, or a ferrari for christmas. But, that makes you cool.

At 7:26 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

He didn't LOOK republican. Perhaps we can talk him out of it. I watched part of Wizard too, in Colorado. It snowed for real while it was snowing on the Poppies.
Love, Ma


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