
Seven Things I Learned This Weekend Past

So here's just a few things that I added to my vast stores of knowledge over the past weekend:
1. It is easy to watch movies where poor, urban youth learn things and rise above their circumstances....especially when they do it through dance.
2. Listening to artists talk about their art is dull. DULL. Unless they made some some super good or super freaky art of course, but these hadn't. Boo.
3. Attempting to recall an hour long conversation from Friday verbatim on a Saturday afternoon is hard. :-(
4. Flip Cup is a fun game that I do not suck at.
5. I make excellent stuffing and Canadian Thanksgiving is nice.
6. It is funny when drunk boys call and only slightly less funny when they call three times.
7. Tivo knows me so well. It taped me The Breakfast Club and The Cutting Edge to watch. *sigh* Perfection.


At 8:42 AM , Blogger Robyn said...

Wait wait wait...tivo tapes things for you? You don't have to tell it? It will see something you like and just tape it? Dang. That's awfully Big Brother, Kate. Next thing you know, The Daily Show will be dubbed with Foley's voice, "You like page boys."

At 6:10 PM , Blogger K8 said...

Tivo only does those things cause it loves me! Loves me I say! Sometimes Tivo chooses things that aren't so good...like stupid Laguna Beach. But I only have to yell at it once and Tivo learns its lesson.

At 8:45 PM , Blogger Robyn said...

Wow! So you just say, "Bad Tivo! K8 h8s LB!" and it remembers to never tape it or anything like it again? Me thinks I need to look into this wonderful gadget.

At 9:30 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cutting Edge is a marvelous movie of high quality. It's almost as fulfilling to watch as "If the Shoe Fits" http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0099826/.
(Sigh 1992. It was a very good year.


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