
Love Trumps Absence

I know, I know....I have neglected this blog and left you all bereft of my precious thoughts and wisdom. Y'all know I'm deep, that's just how I roll. I can go ahead and blame my negligence on school starting up again and being all busy, but that is just a reason- not an excuse.
I had to break my streak of silence for a very important proclamation! I am in love - a deep and true love. A love of Tivo. It is real and it is deep. Tivo does everything I ask it to do, sometimes doing two things at once! If I forget to tell Tivo to do something before I leave home all I have to do is log on to the internet and send Tivo a message. Then Tivo does it! But Tivo isn't just a happy yes-man, always doing what it is told. Tivo loves me back. Tivo thinks of things I may enjoy and records them for me, as long as there is free space. It never puts its own ideas ahead of mine. And Tivo always asks me how I feel about shows so it can guess better what I'd like. Ah, Tivo...the perfect relationship.
I promised Robyn that I would disclose which TV shows I set it to always record - no matter how embarrassing, so here we go no particular order! (Don't you judge me people!)
1. Dead Like Me - on the SciFi channel and Mumma got me into it
2. Studio 60 On the Sunset Strip - West Wing meets SNL, love it!
3. Nip/Tuck - oh so trashy and fun! plus those cute boys keep gettin' nekkid
4. Lost - i missed the end of Season 2 so I have to Tivo until i get caught up
5. My Name is Earl - hilarious whiskey tango folk
6. The Office - hilarious banality
7. Gray's Anatomy - the new medical soap opera, often quite silly
8. Desperate Housewives - seems on the decline, but I may watch
9. Family Guy - gotta love them cartoons
10. CSI Las Vegas - i heart gore & science
11. Help Me Help You - never seen it, heard it may be okay - but Danson is weird
12. 30 Rock - also never seen, but heard it could be okay
13. Heroes - i enjoy the premise and look forward to seeing an episode
14. The Class - kinda funny, very silly
15. Ugly Betty - Mumma says it was good, so it goes on the Tivo! plus I liked the Devil Prada movie
16. The Girls Next Door - take off your judgment hats people, if i wanna watch at 80 year old man cavorting with his three fake-looking girlfriend that is my business!


At 12:51 PM , Blogger Charlie said...

I am so glad you are in love! I am happy that you are so happy. Is this serious? Can you take Tivo.. is that his name.. to visit family ?

At 11:14 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a relationship with my cell phone, but it's on the rocks, and you've seen evidence of that. We should get together for real sometime soon. We need to renew our friendship so I can use you for your Tivo.

At 1:36 AM , Blogger Emily said...

I would like to be in a relationship with a T.V. I would like to be in a relationship with anything that does all of those things for me.

Where can I get me one?!

At 10:00 PM , Blogger Robyn said...

Make sure you tivo reruns of Extreme Makeover on Style - Colin and I just watch them up!


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